What is GRU-P?

GRU Division "P" also known as GRU-P is a division founded by the Russian Intelligence. Duties originally were focused on strictly intelligence and other field work in World War II, and eventually became a division that focused on capturing anomalies for the benefit of the Soviet Union. Currently in-feud with the SCP Foundation, GRU-P aims to take from the foundation however they can.

Incumbent GRU-P Leadership

Zamestitel' Nachal'nika GRU



Operativnyy Ispolnitel'nyy Direktor

Operativnyy Ispolnitel'nyy Direktor


Q: Where do I find the rules and regulations?
A: You can find all GRU-P related regulations within the official GRU-P Discord.

Q: What does GRU-P do on site?
A: Our objective is to cause chaos by terminating members of the Foundation and stealing anomalous objects.

Q: How do I get the ability to raid?
A: You must be accepted into the 20th Purpose Brigade and wait until a raid is scheduled by GRU-P Command.

Q: When are tryouts for X detachment hosted?
A: Tryouts for each detachment are hosted by the detachment Kapitan when a need for more members arises.

Q: Where can I find app answers?
A: All answers needed for GRU-P related applications can be found within the official GRU-P Discord.

Q: I'd like to learn more about X detachment. Where can I do that?
A: Basic information about each subset of GRU-P can be found within the GRU-P Subsidiaries page.