State of The Foundation Records

State of the Foundation Vol. 9

Hey all, 

your Chairman here, with another SOTF Volume. Thank you for your patience as this message was written.

Overseer Council

Administrative Department


During the address itself, I provided some general information regarding all of our departments and their overall statuses. The key points are listed below. 

Foundation Growth 

As always, thank you for your continued support of our group, as well as your dedication to continue helping foster its growth. 

Glory to the O5 Council. Glory to the Paragon Republic. 

Chairman of The Council
Paragon Research Institute

State of the Foundation Vol. 8

Hello Paragonians!

Your Chairman here, with the 8th volume of the State of the Foundation.

Major Group Announcement

Congratulations on 31,000 group members and 1,000,000 in game visits! This is a major milestone for Paragon and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for our group!

Administrative Changes and Overhauls

Since the last State of the Foundation, we have welcomed @O5-12 , @O5-13  , and @O5-2  to the Overseer Council. 

Additionally, the Site Director Program has been overhauled and will give members of the Administrative Department the ability to decide who the next Site Director is! SC-3 and SC-4 personnel will submit LOIs to the Council, who will narrow down the LOIs to 2 different candidates. From there, SC-3s and SC-4s will vote anonymously to decide the Site Director!


The Council

The Overseer Council has continued to work hard in the background. Since the last State of the Foundation, we have proposed, deliberated, and voted on over 80 proposals, with a lot of them coming from Site Director(s) and other members of the Administration.

As always, thank you for your support, dedication, and passion towards our group.

Glory to the Paragon Republic, and glory to our Foundation. 

State of the Foundation Vol. 7

Hello, Paragon!

Your incredible Administrator here, with the 7th iteration of the State of the Foundation.


Other than the decommissioning of ISD, and the commissioning of AAC, there has been no additional departments and divisions. 

ScD is currently overhauling it's guidelines and promotion system. And additionally, most departments are working to incentivize activity. 


Since the last State of the Foundation we welcomed O5-11 to Council, have a new Site Director @O5-12 , and Technical Site Director @weachiepeachie. 

The Council is currently looking over ways to allow for more growth in the Foundation; mainly to Command positions. If you have any ideas, bring them up in related chat once this is over and we'll see if we can put something together. In addition to that, the Council just ratified a proposal to allow for Sc3's to run for Site Director after 30 days of incumbency! 

The Council

As for the council, we've done a lot. While we're all pretty dormant in the community due to the oiled machine we've built, but that's not to say we're not still doing things. We've voted on over 40  proposals. A very large of amount of them coming from the Senior Command/Command as well as the Site Director(s).

Foundation growth

On top of our recent milestones of 21k members, some-odd place visits, and have amassed over 6,000 members on the communications server; we've been dropping large amounts of robux on sponsors to help grow our group and community. 

Thank you for your support, dedication, and passion.

Join the in-game one next time

And as always,
Glory to the Paragon Republic, and glory to our Foundation.

State of the Foundation Vol. 6

Hello, Paragon!
Your glorious Administrator here, with the 6th iteration of the State of the Foundation. I know I reused this intro, sue me. 


As some of you may know, or don't, departments have been bulking up. Prior to our purge, the Security Department, and Scientific Department both stood tall at around 700 members, which is incredible! During this time period we probably had the most concurrent players we've had in a very, very long time. With the Founders planning on spending over 150,000r$ on sponsorships in the coming weeks, we are looking to expand our current standing to that previous number in hopes that it will revitalize our core player ship and increase activity. 

In other news, the Council has decided to decommission DEA. With the addition of GRU-P, and DEA's lack of involvement, the Council believes that it would be better saved rather than hung out to dry. We hope to recommission it one day, once we can support and indulge in the SCP genre's politics. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the Department, you aren't forgotten. 

In addition, we have decided to rename "Overwatch Appeals" back to the "Internal Tribunal Department", whilst not a full department, rather a subdivision, it operates as it was, and still under the scope of Overwatch Command. 


As you all know, we inducted our 10th Councilor @O5-10, and a new Site Director, @O5-11! We're very excited to have Isamack part of the Overwatch Command and are hyped for what he has to bring to our Administration as he serves his term as Site Director. 

The Founders have also passed the R.E.A.L act, to improve user experience on site, you can read it here. 

(R.E.A.L Link)

The Council

Since the last State of the Foundation, the Council has voted on 44 proposals, (including ones from the Administrative Department, Site Director(s), and Overwatch Command) and passed 22 of them. That numbers crazy to me because most of you probably don't even know that the changes you see come from the Council. lol

Foundation Growth

The Foundation is damn near at 19,000 members!! What the fuck??? It's crazy to believe we have reached this milestone in less than a year, hopefully we reach 20,000 by our launch date in March? We'll have to see. 

Paragon also has almost reached 500,000 visits, which is insane. 


What does the future of Paragon bring? 

The truth is, we don't know; and no one should. We have an idea, but we (the administration, command, developers, and you) are all here and for the best SCP Foundation experience on this platform and we want to give none-the-less. 

This group is everchanging, ever-expanding, and ever-lasting, and we're happy you're here, and excited to show you what we can do. If you have an idea you'd like to see featured, a change you'd like to see made, use our request forums here on the Discord! They're the best way for us to gauge player sentiment and see exactly what we need to do. 

Thank you for your support, dedication, and passion. 

And as always,
Glory to the Paragon Republic, and glory to our Foundation.

State of the Foundation Vol. 5

Hello, Paragon! O5-3(Apollo1207) here bringing you volume 5 of the State of the Foundation. Lots has happened since volume 4, and thus there's lots to talk about.



- ScD has launched the Specialized Research Team (SRT), so keep an eye out for new findings from them. - The Medical Department remains closed while waiting on developmental infrastructure to support it. - ScD has made a new database that is very close to release! Expect that later this week. - ScD are revamping their events, both internal events and public events; look forward to what they have in store.


The Mobile Task Forces are looking to affiliate with the public more. - They'll be releasing the new MTF guidelines to be accessible to the public! (Not concluding Task Force guidelines) - MTF Command are going to begin working with ScD command to solidify the relationship between ScD and Eta-9. The activity of MTF is improving! - More researchers are getting their tests handled by the newest Eta-9 Operatives. - Lambda-7 is slowly picking up the pace, as well as undergoing some slight reforms to increase productivity.


The Security Department has recently hosted an event with Phoenix and intend to host more in the future. In addition to this, they've also recently done a purge of members who had no activity in quite a few months to cut down and provide a more realistic number of active users.


The ethics committee has completed a new website for the Code of Ethics. It can be found here:


As many of you are already aware; the O5 Council has decided to release the Department of External Relations. Command selection is still ongoing- but expect a lot more regarding this department in the future.


The administration of the foundation has undergone a major shift recently. With one Founder stepping down and leaving the Foundation- and our very own O5-1 being recognized for his contributions and being promoted to be The Administrator. There have been many concerns regarding the recent antics of our former founder, but rest assured that Paragon remains strong and looking forward to the future. Foundation Growth:

The foundation has reached a whopping 17,000 members! Despite all we've been through recently; the foundation continues to grow. Thank you all for your many contributions. I look forward to seeing all that Paragon has to offer.

State of the Foundation Vol. 4

Hello, Paragon!

Your glorious Chairman here, with the State of the Foundation vol. 4. This one is a very unique one, as there a lot of things to comment on.


The Foundation is changing. After over 6 months of growth we have been able to adapt to what fits the Foundation well. With that we have the following announcements.

The Medical Department is closed for the foreseeable future; until we have the supporting development infrastructure.

The Founders, with agreeance from the Council have decided to open the Internal Security Department, to be further referred to as "ISD". There is so much more to this that we will elaborate on in the coming days and weeks; this will not be externally operational, nor will it be a "intelligence department" by the old-school definition. With that being said, the Internal Tribunal Department will be closing and delegating it's duties between the Overwatch Command, as well as Internal Security.

The Internal Security Department Guidelines are public information and are available at this link.

The Administrative Department will be opening it's version of the Overwatch Command.  Overwatch command, "OWC" will be handling appeals only for the foreseeable future. This OWC will not have the any command outside of Overwatch, and will be free to join any department and progress as they wish.


As previously announced, we have a new Technical Director! Bllonded decided to lateral his position over there after his Site Director term. With the recent removals of 2 of our Senior Command members, we have decided to postpone the Site Director program until we have a confident decision on when we want to move forward with the program.

Foundation growth

We have reached 15,000 members! An incredible accomplishment that every single member of this Foundation should be proud of; we did this. Thank you.

Glory to the republic.

Slxir, O5-1, Chairman of the Council

State of the Foundation Vol. 3

Hello, Paragon!

Your glorious Chairman here, with the State of the Foundation vol. 3. I plan on doing these once a month or so depending on how our growth goes; with release, I think it's time we have another one.

Legislation and documentation

Since the last State of the Foundation, the Council has voted on 7 additional proposals, 1 department opening charter (TBA),  1 Councilor induction, 1 Site Director appointment, 1 removal, and has issued 1 burn notices, and 3 rank locks.

Of the aforementioned passed proposals, most have already gone into effect, others will be attached.


As you guys may have seen, our second Site Director has been appointed! @blIonded  has been a great community example, proved his leadership capabilities as our Lead Moderator, and will continue to serve the Foundation as our Site Director. Congratulations to him.

You can read more about the Site Director Program here.

Foundation growth

As of the writing of this announcement, the: Security Department has amassed almost 800 members 793, Scientific Department is almost at 500 members 476, Mobile Task Forces is at 51 members, Ethics Committee is at 24 and growing, Anomaly Actors is at 26, and the Foundation is almost at 10,000 group members, and almost 5,000 ||4,!!!!

For those of you who don't know me from genres' past, I've been part of the SCP genre since mid-2016; I've been in the Council in Eltorks', Creepys', and Pathos. Using my experiences and skills from those Foundations has allowed me to build this, which I have dreamt of doing for years. To see that I was able to create my vision, and amass almost 10,000 members in 11 days is absolutely astonishing and rewarding and would not have been possible without you, the Council, the Command and everyone else. Thank you.

Glory to the republic.

Slxir, O5-1, Chairman of the Council

State of the Foundation Vol. 2

Hello, Personnel!

In light of all the developments made by our Manufacturing Department, as well as the Administrative Department in the past months, we think you're all overdue for some updates.

Legislation and documentation

Over the past month, the O5 Council has proposed and voted on 7 pieces of legislature. 2 of them being the opening of departments, and the others being already publicized documents. I have also used my executive power to issue 2 executive orders.


As you guys may have seen, our first Site Director has been appointed! @O5-5(CrysisRising) has been a very influential and productive member of our Senior Command and will serve the Administration well as long as he is incumbent, congratulations to him!

You can read more about the Site Director Program here:

Department readiness

All Departments and Subdivisions are fully operational and prepared for release. Keep an eye out for an announcement made by the Manufacturing Department regarding application openings, coming soon™️.

We will be opening each department with the following subdivisions/ task forces/ teams.

➤ Mobile Task Forces

  ➣ Eta-9, Recontainment

  ➣ Delta-1, Protection

  ➣ Lambda-7, Combat

➤ Security Department

  ➣ Military Police

  ➣ Security Response Unit

➤ Scientific Department

  ➣ Medical Division

➤ Ethics Committee

  ➣ Internal Tribunal Department

As previously mentioned, in regards to the  the Manufacturing Department,  the A-a-anomaly Actors is now commissioned as an official Department! It will be overseen by @O5-2 , and assisted in it's inception by the entire Council. We want to make sure that it does not follow in the same footsteps as other Genre's. As we work out how it will be managed I ask that you remain patient with O5-2 and the Council and please do not bug us about command positions.

Glory to the republic.

Slxir, O5-1, Chairman of the Council

State of the Foundation Vol. 1

Greetings, personnel.

Today is a great day of progress for our Foundation, with that being said I would be lying if I didn't admit that there is progress to be made. The upper echelon of the Foundation as it stands is remaining steadfast in our dedication to his Foundation as the site comes to fruition, and we're glad to have you alongside us. With all that being said, here is an update on some things that have been going on behind the scenes:

I interviewed someone for the position as the Ethics Committee Chairman earlier today and instead of giving him an offer to that position, I decided to induct my first member of the Council. Welcome O5-2, @O5-2 (RegisterAccount).

The command is growing well! We now have 2 SC4's in their directorate positions; SD Field Chief CrysisRising, and MTF Field Commander Cipherist. They will begin filling their staff in the coming weeks and posting updates (or not) about vacancies they need filled. Try not to harass them about it, we know you're excited, and we are too. You can keep track of all major command positions currently vacant or filled on this google sheet.

Development is working, hard. The Founders and their teams have been working towards the first iteration of our Site, Paragon Research Institute . We will continue to release teasers to stimulate the community but do keep in mind, we want to have a lot of surprises, so teasers do not equal development progress.

For further clarification, there is no Administrator position. I, slxir, am the administrative head of this Foundation. The Founders have very limited power over the Administrative side of the group and will remain that way for their tenure. The point of this is to have a checks and balances system for the high command. Not to mention, group owners have too much responsibilities trying to keep the group alive to be affectively running the group, we think, that with this split-level ownership/ operation we can create a mutually beneficial environment for the command to operate.

Unrelated is view only for the foreseeable future, once we release, it will reopen.

The plan is currently that level applications will release 2-3 weeks prior to the release of the site, this will give ample time for all interested people to get their levels before we release.

While that's all I can think of off the top of my head, keep your eyes peeled for more announcements from myself or other senior command about opportunities, updates, or general info. Thanks for reading, see you guys soon ;).

Glory to the republic.

Slxir, O5-1, Chairman of the Council