
Paragon Research Institute is a unique secure facility constructed by the SCP Foundation. It is so unique that it does not follow the standard facility classification system used to classify all sites and areas under use by the foundation. The facility, known as Paragon or PRI respectively, is precisely what its name claims to be, a model of excellence for the SCP Foundation. This facility is the most recent addition to the list of many secure facilities operating worldwide. Still, it stands at the pinnacle as the most technologically advanced and largest facility to date. For as much as it is a facility to contain all kinds of dangerous objects, it is equally as much an institute dedicated to research and the advancement of technology and scientific methods. To understand the significance of this facility, one must first dive into its recent history.

Due to the rising tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union, the United States sought to begin a secret project to advance weapons of mass destruction that would give them a permanent edge in the nuclear arms race. Having been the nation of origin for the SCP Foundation decades prior, the United States commissioned the SCP Foundation for this project through the Central Intelligence Agency. This allocated billions of dollars in funding and the assistance of the United Nation’s primary anomalous organization, the Global Occult Coalition, to the Foundation. With this influx of financial and human resources, the SCP Foundation would begin construction of its most ambitious secure facility to date, which would serve the primary function of researching the potential of controllable anomalous weapons of war. Alongside this function, it would be a bastion of SCP research and containment.

The construction of Paragon Research Institute began in the winter of ████. The facility was decided to be located within the San Juan Mountains, Colorado. Its area on the surface would consist of an isolated forest sixteen kilometers in diameter that was closed off on all sides from the public. This area was hidden under the guise of a wildlife sanctuary overseen by the National Parks Service. Also, under an agreement with the military, the United States Air Force also enforces a no-fly zone in the airspace over the facility. In the late fall of ████, Paragon Research Institute was officially activated and placed on Foundation records after enough personnel, and SCP objects from all over the world were transferred to it. Since its activation, the facility continues to undergo construction and expansion.